
23 Oktomvri br.23-2/4,
1000 Skopje, N.Macedonia

Igor Tanturovski

Owner, Consultant
E-Mail: itanturovski@t-consultants.com
Tel.: +389 2 2449176
Mobil: +389 76 454900

Нашиот посветен тим на финансиски аналитичари и специјалисти има за цел да помогне и да ја подготви вашата компанија за сите ризици, да ги оптимизира вашите трошоци, да ви даде добри упатства за инвестиции и да создаде успешен деловен план за потребите на вашата организација. Со нашиот пристап кон секој клиент, ќе направиме да се чувствувате привилегирани да бидете наши клиенти.

Нашиот тим вклучува менаџери и финансиски експерти, поранешни директори на водечки институции во Македонија, со долгогодишно искуство во деловните, финансиските, правните и трговските домени низ цела Европа. Деловните врски што ги создадовме низ годините, богатото знаење и професионалното искуство на Т – Консултанти ќе ви дадат самодоверба и создаваат платформа за вашиот успех.
Можеме да одржиме и домашни тренинзи во овие специфични области.


We can make the difference!


Let out consulting team to launch your business to a level you did not imagine that exist! We exist to help businesses go above and beyond their imagination. Let’s aim for the stars together!


Our Services:


When do you need us:

Financial management

Financial management is one of the most important aspects of the business. With the proper guidance, results are inevitable.

Business consulting

Business consulting can be focused on specific areas of a business or address the overall function of the company.

Strategic planning

We have the expertise to help you with the strategic planning for your company, with guaranteed results.

Project management

T-Consultants offers easy access to the wide range of available projects and grants for SME like exploring, consulting and documents preparation.

Financial and accounting expertise

We offer material, accounting and financial expertise and we are able to help you in any similar domain.

Personal finance management

Managing the personal finances is a challenge. But not for us. We are here to guide you in the right direction


The story behind T-Consultants


T-Consultants is a consulting company that offers various services to their customers.

Our team of professional dedicated financial analysts and specialists aim to help and prepare your company for all risks, optimize your costs, give you good investment guidelines and create a successful business plan for the needs of your organization. With our approach to each client, we will make you feel privileged to be our customers.

Our team includes management and financial experts, former executives at leading institutions in Macedonia, with extensive experience in the business, financial, legal, and trade domains across Europe and around the world.
The business connections we have created over the years, the rich knowledge and professional experience of T – Consultants Consulting experts give you confidence and create a platform for your success.

We can also perform in-house training and coaching in these specific areas.


Consultancy at its finest


Our Business consulting services provide specialized expertise in business matters. We work with clients, usually on a contractual basis, to determine ways to improve the client’s business performance and We offer a wide range of services.



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