DNLA-Partner bei Veranstaltungen rund um den Erdball

1. DNLA-Partner Simdustry bei der ATD-conference „Recharge your Soul“ in New Orleans.

Unsere Partner von SIMDUSTRY waren vor Ort bei der ATD Conference in den USA dabei. Unter dem Motto „Recharge your Soul“ wurden in New Orleans Entwicklungskonzepte, Trainings- und Beratungsangebote präsentiert. Die DNLA-Verfahren sind bei SIMDUSTRY immer Teil der Konzepte und Angebote und so war auch DNLA direkt am Stand mit repräsentiert.

„ATD in a nutshell“ – über die ATD-Conference

  • The ATD-conference is the biggest reunion of the Learning & Development industry
  • For 80 years committed to providing first-class service.
  • Join more than 13,000 professionals from plus 80 countries and learn about new trends, developments, and best practices of the industry.
  • Stay ahead, be aware of T&D´s and learn strategies to implement with your colleagues
  • Networking events & the opportunity to build lifelong business partnerships.
  • More than 300 education sessions professionals
  • More than 400 exhibitors professionals

Eindrücke vom Messestand von SIMDUSTRY an der ATD Conference:

Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, war die Konferenz gut besucht und am Stand unserer Partner von SIDUSTRY fanden viele angeregte Gespräche statt.

Und die waren durchaus erfolgreich: Gute Kontakte konnten geknüpft werden und neue Beratungsprojekte bahnen sich an.

2. DNLA-Partnerin Sabine Grosser beim VdU Jahreskongress.

DNLA war noch bei einem weiteren Event im Mai vertreten, und zwar beim VdU-Jahreskongress 2024 am 28. und 29. Mai in Berlin des Verbandes deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V..

Vor Ort mit und für DNLA war unsere Partnerin Sabine Grosser aus Düsseldorf.

Sabine Grosser vom IKOS – Institut für Kommunikation, Organisation, Selbstführung präsentierte dabei das Female Leadership Programm, bei dem sie mit den beiden DNLA Partnerinnen Katrin Ziehm und Stefanie Munzert kooperiert.

Wie man sieht, war die Jahrestagung des VdU sehr gut besucht.
Und die Veranstaltung war in vielerlei Hinsicht besonders:

  • Der Kongress des VdU war ein Jubiläumskongress, denn den 1954 gegründeten Verband gibt es nun schon seit 70 Jahren!

  • Und einer der wenigen männlichen Gäste war dafür umso prominenter: Es handelte sich um Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz.

Alle Anwesenden hatten sichtlich viel Spaß bei der Veranstaltung und mit Sicherheit haben alle Teilnehmerinnen viele gute Ideen und Impulse von der Tagung mitgenommen.

3. DNLA-partner Resultant bei der Ausbildung von Nachwuchspersonaler*innen bei der Slovenian Human Resources Association.

Unsere Partner von Resultant in Slowenien bilden über die Slovenian HR Association / Slovenska kadrovska zveza Nachwuchs-Personalerinnen und -Personaler aus.

  • Der aktuelle Jahrgang hat am 10. Juni das erste Jahr der HR Youngsters Academy erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
  • Nachwuchs HR-Fachleute durchlaufen das Programm, das Vorlesungen von erfahrenen Fachleuten, interaktive Workshops, and Networkinggelegenheiten.P
  • Projekte zu Themen wie Emotionale Intelligenz, Jahresabschlüsse, and KI im HR management. wurden umgesetzt.
  • Unsere Partner von Resultant waren als Mentoren and Sponsoren mit dabei.

Die Nachwuchs HR-Fachkräfte durchlaufen im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung auch die DNLA-Verfahren MM und ESK und bekommen Feedback und Coaching, basierend auf ihren Ergebnissen will evaluate leadership and social skills through the DNLA system and we will provide them feedback coaching durch die Fachleute aus dem Team von Resultant.

DNLA-Partner „Resultant“ in Slovenia: Competence brings results.

In the following, we will portrait one of our international partners from Slovenia, Resultant. Building on a long tradition in many successful consulting-projects and an excellent track-record, also with DNLA, a relaunch and new services open up new opportunities. We will present them here, in their own words.

Resultant Logo: We bring results.

About Resultant

We develop modern HR solutions that help our clients build efficient HR processes and increase organisational performance.

The Resultant consulting company was founded in 2008 and operated under the name of HSC Group until 2022. We consult and help companies introduce agile processes in the field of human resource management (HRM). Our consulting programme has been designed to equip HR experts and leaders in companies with the knowledge, modern tools and methods that assist them in their daily work. We use the DNLA programme to establish modern talent development processes and systematic development of successors with our clients. Lately we have been paying particular attention to the challenges posed by the digital economy and helping businesses in their digital business transformation. For this purpose, we and our partners have developed a platform for monitoring digital culture and digital competences under the brand name I4F – inspire4future (www.inspire4future.com). I4F is a digital solution that enables organisations and individuals to professionally and multidimensionally evaluate and analyse their ability for a successful transition to the business operations of the future.

New characteristics of the digital economy, related challenges and the need for digital business transformations are coming. Today’s business environment is becoming increasingly challenging. We will be happy to share with you all the experiences of how we can help our clients to build personalized HR concepts in such a business environment. We will be happy if you contact us.

Our team

DNLA-Partner Resultant: Roman Klarič

Roman Klarič

Consults the board and company management in designing modern HR processes consistent with their business strategy. In his work he pays special attention to talent development processes and the systems of succession. Since 2009, he has been running a coaching programme using DNLA programmes. He acts as a strategic consultant and individual coach. He is also one of the co-authors of the I4F model of organisational culture analysis for business operations in the digital economy.

DNLA-Partner Resultant: Primož Bitenc

Primož Bitenc

An expert in organisational climate, organisational culture and employee engagement. He is a consultant to companies in the public and private sectors to transform organisational culture and upgrade HR pAn expert in organisational climate, organisational culture and employee engagement. He is a consultant to companies in the public and private sectors to transform organisational culture and upgrade HR processes. He acts as a consultant, moderator and individual coach using DNLA programs. He is also one of the co-authors of the I4F model of organisational culture analysis for business operations in the digital economy.

DNLA-Partner Resultant: Enej Klarič

Enej Klarič

He has been active in HSC Group since 2019. He is responsible for communication between potential customers and our consultants, participates in the preparation of analyses, reports on research and testing, and acts as an assistant in workshops and in the processes of assessing potential and competences.

Interested in the results which we can generate for you?

New characteristics of the digital economy, related challenges and the need for digital business transformations are coming. Today’s business environment is becoming increasingly challenging. We will be happy to share with you all the experiences of how we can help our clients to build personalized HR concepts in such a business environment. We will be happy if you contact us.


Brings good results for companies: DNLA-partner "resultatnt" from Slovenia.

Major implementation projects using the DNLA tool

SAVA GROUP/Insurance company

Project: DNLA analysis of the potential of managers and key personnel through the preparation of individual development plans.

DARS/Slovenian motorways and expressways management

Project: Identification of potential successors and analysis of their potential using the DNLA system.

MOL SLOVENIA/Petroleum products trade

Project: Leader development based on DNLA analysis. DNLA analysis in the processes of selection of key personnel and digital talents.

SIJ GROUP/Slovenian Steel Group

Project: Development of young potentials and talents through the DNLA identification of their potentials.

POST OF SLOVENIA/Slovenian postal operator

Project: Development of leaders using DNLA analysis of their competences.

PORT OF KOPER/Slovenian international cargo port

Project: Identification of potential successors based on DNLA analysis and implementation of the succession policy.

HIT/Tourism and gambling

Project: The use of DNLA tools in the processes of selection and appointment of executive managers.

TITUS GROUP/Production of furniture fittings

Project: Analysis of DNLA potential and development of operational leaders in production.

SENG/Electricity generation

Project: Development of leaders using DNLA analysis of their competences.

EBM PAPST SLOVENIA/Production of electric motors

Project: Analysis of DNLA potential and development coaching process for leaders. 

DNLA - Discovering Natural Latent Abilitie

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