We extend our tool portfolio for you and add the English version of the DNLA Team Analysis.

We are always aiming to further expand and improve our range of services for you, our customers and partners. And so we have now translated the DNLA Team Analysis (TA) into English so that it is also available to our international customers and partners.
What is the DNLA Team Analysis and what can you do with it? We briefly present that here.

What is the DNLA Team Analysis? (TA)

With the DNLA TA, you can analyze factors which are vital for a functioning team, for a well-developed team spirit and for good cooperation. The „environment“ in which the team operates, i. e. team leadership, corporate culture and the organitzational environment of the team are also taken into account. So, the DNLA TA serves as a valuable tool for team analysis and team development.

The aim of the DNLA Team Analysis: Team Development and good cooperation!

What factors are part of the DNLA Team Analysis?

All in all, 69 different aspects are analyzed in the following categories:

  • Efficiency
  • Motivation
  • Organisation
  • Cooperation
  • Corporate culture
  • Environment (of the team)
  • Conflicting interests
  • Teamleader(s)
  • Team-Leadership

What makes the DNLA Team Analysis so special?

One thing that makes the survey special is that the questions on the individual areas are asked once individually to each team member, and then, formulated accordingly from their perspective, separately to the team leaders.

The answers are shown in a bar chart. The distribution of the answers and the individual percentages can be used to quickly and easily identify problem areas, i.e. factors with which everyone is dissatisfied.

Sample result for the factor "Information".

In addition, the factors in which the opinions of the team leaders and those of the team members diverge strongly also become visible. Here it is clear that there are different perceptions – and a direct need for discussion.

With the help of DNLA team analysis, important discussions and change processes are initiated.
The conspicuous results in the evaluations can be discussed directly at the top management level as well as in separete team workshops with all participants.

Those affected themselves are given the opportunity to address problems in an orderly manner and also to make direct suggestions for solutions and improvements.

Team discussion: Team Development.

The DNLA Team Analysis is thus a valuable analysis tool and also a catalyst for necessary changes and for urgently needed team and organizational development.

How can I get more information about the DNLA team analysis?

Would you like to learn more about DNLA Team Analysis? Forther information for download is available here:

If you need more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the DNLA-Team:

Markus Gaugler
Projektmanager DNLA GmbH

Markus Gaugler
Projektmanager DNLA GmbH

Tel.:   +49 2572/ 800 4108
Mail:  gaugler@dnla.de

Now available: DNLA SC – Evaluation for the mentor.

Die DNLA ESK „Begleiterauswertung“ ist nun auch auf Englisch verfügbar!

Mentorin bei der Arbeit - a mentor at work.

New added value for DNLA: The „Evaluation for the mentor!“

DNLA has always been devoted to helping people to develop and to grow. Therefore, we are happy to now being able to offer you the „Evaluation for the mentor“ in DNLA SC also in English.

DNLA war schon immer bestrebt, Menschen zu helfen, sich zu entwickeln und zu wachsen. Daher sind wir froh, Ihnen nun die „Begleiterauswertung“ bei DNLA ESK nun auch in Englischer Sprache anbieten zu können.

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Beschreibung der neu verfügbaren Möglichkeiten und Inhalte:

In the following you will find a description of the newly available options and content:

DNLA SC „Evaluation for the mentor“:

  • The „Evaluation for the mentor“ is intended for all those who, after a DNLA analysis and the feedback discussion on the current results, would like to work with a person on improving his or her potential. These can be coaches, internal or external consultants, personnel developers, HR specialists, mentors or the responsible managers.
  • They all find valuable experience of all colleagues and partners from our partner network in the companion evaluation. This gives you suggestions and tips that can be implemented directly in practice, in everyday work.
  • And what’s best: These hints are not only given on the individual level, but, in a separate section, also on group or team-level in case a certain problem or lack of potential affects many in a group or in a team.
  • Thus, the evaluation for the mentor at DNLA SC is a versatile tool that can be used in practice, and valuable for anyone who wants to help a person develop personally and professionally.
  • And best of all, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist (or an organizational psychologist) to understand and use this advice. Everything is formulated in a simple, understandable, and practical way that can be directly understood even by non-professionals – which only makes it all the more valuable.

DNLA ESK „Begleiterauswertung“:

  • Die „Begleiterauswertung“ richtet sich an alle die, die nach einer DNLA-Potenzialanalyse und dem Feedbackgespräch zu den aktuellen Ergebnissen mit einer Person daran arbeiten möchten, ihre Potenziale zu verbessern. Dies können Coaches, interne oder externe Beraterinnen sein, Personalentwicklerinnen, HR-Spezialistinnen, Mentorinnen oder die verantwortlichen Führungskräfte.
  • Sie alle finden in der Begleiterauswertung wertvolles Erfahrungswissen aller Kolleginnen und Partner aus unserem Partnernetzwerk. Damit bekommen Sie Anregungen und Hinweise, die direkt in der Praxis, im Arbeitsalltag umsetzbar sind.
  • Und das Beste: Diese Hinweise werden nicht nur für eine Einzelperson gegeben, sondern separat noch für den Fall, dass ein bestimmtes Problem oder ein Potenzialmangel viele in einer Gruppe oder in einem Team betrifft.
  • So ist die Begleiterauswertung bei DNLA ESK ein vielseitig in der Praxis einsetzbares Werkzeug, und wertvoll für alle, die einer Person dabei helfen möchten, sich persönlich und beruflich weiter zu entwickeln.
  • Und das Beste: Um diese Hinweise zu verstehen und zu nutzen, muss man keine Psychologie studiert haben. Alles ist einfach, verständlich und praxisnah formuliert und selbst für Laien direkt verständlich – was das Ganze nur umso wertvoller macht.

Here´s one example, for the factor „outlook“: // Hier ein Beispiel für den Faktor „Emotionale Grundhaltung“:

This way, you can help each other to grow! // So können Sie sich gegenseitig beim persönlichen Wachstum unterstützen!

DNLA SC now also offers the "Evaluation for the mentor" in English - with valuable hints for personal- and team-development. // DNLA ESK "Begleiterauswertung" - jetzt erstmals auch auf Englisch!

Ihr Ansprechpartner für weitere Fragen // Your contact for further questions :

Markus Gaugler
Projektmanager DNLA GmbH

Markus Gaugler
Projektmanager DNLA GmbH

Tel.:   +49 2572/ 800 4108
Mail:  gaugler@dnla.de

DNLA - Discovering Natural Latent Abilitie

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